Where do I start on this one. I guess the history of the Idiot run.
On a twenty-three degree winter morning, seven runners, training for various marathons, traveled by foot from the YMCA in downtown Albemarle to the top of Morrow Mountain and back. When word spread of their 19.7 mile journey, people called them fools, buffoons and idiots. The pavement pounders agreed with the assessment and formed the Fellowship of the Idiots. Those that complete the run, get a t-shirt, certificate and their name engraved on the official Fellowship of the Idiot plaque that has a permanent home on the walls of Vac & Dash.
We recommend that you are able to run at least 13-15 before you participate in the Idiot Run. Must be able to run the 19.7 miles in 3 hours 45 minutes.
We are asking that you respect the distance and challenge of the run before you undertake it. The years that we have been doing this run, most runners have been able to do the course under that time. Honestly, we want to be as inclusive as possible, but recently, I've noticed that some folks just want to come out and do it without being in the proper shape to get the Idiot Shirt. The purpose of this run has always been to help those that are distance runners, have an enjoyable long run with company.
All this is put on By Peter Asciutto owner of Vac & Dash.
At Vac & Dash you can get fitted for a pair of running shoes, buy an Oreck Vacuum Cleaner to keep your house or business clean, ship a package via UPS and get custom screen printed apparel and advertising specialties for your sports team, church, business or organization.
Each year this event has grown. Maxing out at nearly 14 new Idiots. This year there were over 50. The big surprise to Peter were only 10 were local runners. The rest would be getting up at 3:30 am just to make the start line by 5:30 over an hour away.

Now for my view on the idiocy. Through FB I had questioned who's ready to do this. I had 4 responses. Jamaar, Emily H., Sahrah F, and Troy. Emily recruited Josh to join as well. We made arrangements to meet up and van pool from Harrisburg. So at 4am we prpared for our initiation into the fellowship. Everyone loaded and ready by 4:30. The only sain one of us Jamaar was still asleep.
The drive out was quick. No worries of traffic since sain people are still sleeping at this time on a Saturday morning.
We get to the Y and sign in. Peter explains the mishap with the bathroom and we will need to go two blocks down and use Vac and Dash.
We get back as everyone is heading into the street. Lining up behind a patrol car. Police support on a free training run. I now come to realize it's 25 degrees and I'm about to run nearly 20 miles.
We had the police escort through town and a couple intersections blocked off. After we reached the main highway the pack spread out and it became more like a Saturday group run.
There was only to be water at 6 and 13, however Peter had a water stop set up at mile 3.
About this time troy recognized Sarah F, so we pulled together and paced each other until about mile 7 during the climb.
As we moved into the country the streetlights faded and our only light was headlamps and reflectors. At one point we turned out our lamps and studied the awesome sky filled with stars.
We stopped at the mile 6 aid station for water and gels. After a couple photos with Peter we headed out, or should I say up. The State park road was a fair incline until just after mile 8. We began a switchback climb that gained 400 ft in less than a mile. We started to split up. Troy must love hills. It was a individual effort here. The sun was just breaking the horizon. I slowed to enjoy this and drop the heart rate. I dared not stop at this point. Runners were now passing me on the way back. I also told myself not to let this hill beat me. I never did. My pace fell to about 11 min in that mile.
Once at the summit you come into a large parking area. The turn around is at the end. Emily was heading down. I saw Troy making the turn and was on his way back down. When I made the turn the sun was just peaking over the horizon. I stopped at the look out to give thanks to God for giving me strength to make it to the summit and witness the sunrise. Peter was taking photos. I hung around for my photo and to wait for Sarah. Peter had also set up another aid station. Water and more Hammer gels.

There is nothing like a sunrise when you put in ever ounce of effort you have to get the best view you can.
Sarah snapped a few pics and we headed down. Her husband had given up and was pushing his bike up the road. We passed him on the way down as he continued to push up to see the sunrise.
As we made the bottom, Sarahs husband caught up with us. She told me to not let her hold me back. So I picked up the pace and turned on the music.
The miles were passing smooth. The rolling hills were good. I focused on catching the runner in front of me. He finally slowed down to walk and I passed him. As I came back into the city limits I could fell I was starting to bonk. I must have slowed considerably because now I could hear footsteps and the shadows of several runners were on me. These three were on a mission. Then another runner caught me about mile 18 He kept me company until the finish. Chatting with him was a little intimidating as he is training for multiple 100s.
I made it back in 3:01 with the Garmin reading about a half mile short. An over all 9:28 pace.
At the finish line the table of food was incredible. Bagels, donuts, fruit, chocolate milk.
Now was t6ime to get in line to get your certificate from Peter and your shirt. Hypothermia was setting in. I took the last sip from my hand held. It was frozen.
Then the coffee angel arrived with Mc. D's coffee.
We picked up our shirts, took some photos. The off to the warmth of the Y. They allowed use of the locker rooms and showers.

Now time for breakfast. Hinks was a suggestion from several Idiots and Peter himself.
When we pulled up I thought I would never go into a place like this alone. However once inside the place was great. The staff welcomed and thanked us. The coffee was on the table quick. My cup was never allowed to get half empty before getting a refill to top it off.
We ordered the Misty's Mess. Its a hash brown, egg, onion, pepper, cheese covered mess. She asked if I wanted the full or half stating it was big. I was hungry so I ordered the full. Emily ordered the healthy choice of a whole wheat pancake. Troy and Josh also had the mess. I highly recommend this place if your going to run any event in Albemarle. Peter stopped in to thank us for running and to invite us back to future events.

It was a great morning. Now time to head home. I found I wa in the presence of Idiots and maniacs. Now I need to work on my Maniac status.
I highly recommend doing this run. Do it before you have to pay for it.
The support, the welcome, the fellowship. Peter is a incredible host and race director. If you ever need assistance with your Oreck or Hoover. Bring it to Vac and Dash. Pick up some new shoes while your there. And don't forget to stop in at Hinks.
Or just check them out on the web
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