"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." TE Lawrence

Sunday, October 10, 2010

40 B4 40

October has arrived and it was now time to put up or shut up. I made a few new year resolutions that i have not paid up on. I joined a running club, check. I have inspired a few people to get out and run, check. I have improved my 5k time, check.
I have yet to run my 40 miler before my birthday on October 18.

I have done the training and put in the miles. I had two opportunities to do this at actual races. One was out of the question due to family vacation. The other intimidated the hell out of me. When I finally got the guts to commit it was too late to register.

I worked up a plan to run the same route I had been training on. I put together a pace plan, set up my fluids, mapped everything out. I felt the plan was solid. The only thing preventing me from finishing was the run being 13 miles farther than I had ever gone.

Saturday October 9, 2010 Run, walk or crawl, I am determined to make 40 miles today. I had a few friends pacing me. My wife had contacted other friends and promoted my crazy stunt. My daughter told me "You can do it daddy."

6am Start in the dark. Derrick an employee from Lowe's said he would be out to run the first 7 mile loop with me. My goal was to run 30 walk 5 this would be my next 7+ hours. The downhill on David Taylor carried us out at a smooth 8 min pace. This was faster than my plan but what could it hurt. About 2.7 miles in we passe Theoden and he turned to run with us. The reason I remember the mileage at this point was I hit the stop button on my Garmin and it paused. At Saxonburry he turned off to get back to Caribou by 7 and to not push my pace. I knew we were moving at his pace but it felt good. I had missed my walk break at 30 so checking my time I found out I was still at 2.7 miles. I was unsure of the missed mileage (2.4) the rest of the day and it helped occupy my mind and keep me from thinking about the pains. We made it back to Caribou before as the UCRR were getting ready to go. Derrick wished me luck and I joined in the pack heading out. 7 miles in 33 to go.

I joined the pack at the usual downhill pace of about 8:30. Emily from Empowered Personal Fitness was there as promised. We split off at the crossing to follow my plan. Emily made the next 14 miles go smooth. She let me slow down and walk when I needed, but was sure to not let me slow too much. When I mentioned I was starting to feel some pain she assured me I wasn't. I did make one mistake at mile 14 I picked up a Cliff bar and broke it in half. I should have just taken another GU as planned. No matter how small of a bite I took this thing was not going down. This was a huge error in judgement. It putt a lump in my gut that kept me from wanting any other food the rest of the run. I should have stuck with bananas that I failed to bring.

3 laps down and 21 miles in I was feeling good. Emily was done and as I walked through Caribou to use the restroom it seemed all the UCRR were done as well. I looked around for Leroy he was going to bring some motivation and donuts. No Leroy.
I started to shuffle going down David Taylor. This was my first leg without a pacer. By the time I reached the trail I started to walk. The cool morning temps were starting to fade into the afternoon heat. I passed a few random runners on the trail. I started allowing myself longer walks. As I passed the turn off that goes under Harris I saw a crowd of cheerleaders pushing me on the entire group joined me for the next half mile.

I pushed on with renewed energy and spirit. I about a half mile out from the pit stop for mile 28 my wife drove by and dropped my daughter off to run back to the car with me. This was awesome. As I sat to get a drink and decide what to eat I felt the first bit of real pain. At the top of my left foot where the shin and foot connect. I have never had pains here before. I shook it off ate some pretzels and corn nuts. I wanted more salt to offset dehydration. Nothing seemed digestible.

12 more miles to go as I ran off down David Taylor again The pain was starting to increase. I started moving at a slow shuffle. walking seemed OK so I pressed on. Now wishing I had taken Advil back at the car. After getting back on the pavement I decided to see if barefoot was any better. I made about a mile barefoot but the pain was getting worse. Now my mind was racing how would I finish this. I felt like it was turning into a death march. Walking up Fairlea I was beginning to wonder how I would justify a DNF. I was thinking up every motivational positive quote i could think. I still was face first into a giant brick wall. My support crew had gone and were not due back until the end of my last lap. how would it look for my kid to see me give up at mile 34.

As I approached the pit stop my wife and daughter had walked out to run in with me and get me going on my final lap. I was flamed out. My wife was not about to let me quit. I sat to change shoes she kept prompting me to get up and keep moving. I took the long awaited Advil and drank my jug of recovery milk. loaded up on some cold water and iced the ankle. Still pushing me to get moving she decided they were going with me. 6.39 miles to go and they were getting me there.

As we left Caribou my daughter kept telling me "You can do this dad your awesome!" All I could say was "Thanks I know I can." Most of David Taylor was a slow walk. I managed a few strides as my wife ran ahead. " Come on your not giving up now, You can do this!" they kept cheering. We made it to the trail and she kept me running short distances. "You can make it to that tree, the bridge, keep going!"
Finally with about 3 miles to go I got moving and the pain was going away or the adrenalin and euphoria of finishing were kicking in. I just kept going. "You have ran 37 miles and still run faster than me." my wife said.

As I made it back to Caribou the Garmin was still short miles from the first lap. I made a loop around the lot and it was only at 39.3 I headed back out to meet my family and run in the finish with them and still only came up with 39.5 I was done. I DID IT! 40 miles before I turned 40.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. It’s not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.
- ...Muhammad Ali

I have learned that I need to stick to the plan. I went out too fast and I should have secured a pacer for late in the run. I failed to consume enough calories.

Special thanks to Derrick, Emily, and my pit crew that came through for me and helped me break down the wall. I feel I have an Ultra family. My 9 year old daughter ran farther than she ever dreamed of just to help me finish my goal. And my wife that never gives up on me no mater how crazy my dreams get.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Triple Lakes

Here it is resolution #3 40 B4 40 http://www.triplelakesrace.com/index.html

Switching all gears to train for this 40.

Step one rest for 1 more week. Work out the calf pain, research the run. The being on a trail is the only part I,m not sure of.

Everyone must have a Goal. Ive decided GO BIG OR GO home!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I'm looking forward to this event tonight all week. Its a meet and greet for the 4 mile race. The add states 6:30-8:00 Wine and munchies, Get a custom Somino shoe fitting, Lucky winners will get prizes including a pair of Somino shoes.

So day 4 in a row of hell at work. I get stuck dealing with a complaint that needs settled before I go home. Scheduled off @ 5 should give me plenty of time to swing by the running store, pic up my number and shirt. Head down to the VW dealer where the party is.

I don't get out until 6. The running store has only the owner working. He's selling shoes and handing out the race T's.

Needles to say I screwed up. I get to the party about 7:30. Make some chit chat with the marketing guy from the VW dealer. Get some grub and get in line for the fitting. I find out they allready did the drawing. Ok now shoes to win I'll still get a hat or waterbottle. Nope! I'm S.O.L. The guy ahead of me gets the last bit if swag.

So I go through the fitting process. I get on the box, flex my knee, do the other foot. The rep hands me a slip of paper with a few check marks. He says take this in and they will set your shoe up. I'm thinking there is a nothe guy around the corner putting shoe together to test. Nope, gotta take the slip back to my running store to try them on.

So I hang out for a few, chit chat with the rep and a few other runners. Finaly i decide to drive home disapointed in myself. I had planed on getting there @ 6:30 and missed my plan by an hour. I should have skipped picking up my gear. Ooops.

Just had to be that guy and put out a little rant on how dissapionted I am in myself.

I do want to say that if your going to state your custom fitting the shoes, how bout having some to try on.

Gotta run.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cross training.

So the leg not feeling good for running. I cant waste a 70 + degree day. I break out the mountain bike and take it on the road. 30+ miles in 2.5 hours not to bad for a runner on a POS mountain bike. The cool part was passing one of thoes speed radars and getting up to 26.5MPH. I hope i dont get the addiction to go looking for a road bike.


Ok body I lied to you and you caught me. 22 miles was a bit much. The hills on that run were killer and never seemed to end. Now 5 days later you are still making me pay for it.
Shin/ calf whatever one of you is really pissed off at the brain please lighten up. Its 70 deg out today and I will load up on pain killers and put you through a test. The bike is ready. I hate the bike but you are forcing me to go low impact and I refuse to let this spring day go to waste.
I will promise to keep the impact off if you promise to be healed in time for next weeks 4 miler. I have paid the entry fee, and my mind is set on a PR.
Get ready for some yoga and some bike. You will be ready to start this race series.

" Il, faut d'abord durer." First one must endure.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Open letter to my abused body.

Dear feet,

I know I drag you around, I can tell by the wear marks on my souls. I know I spent my first year running in shoes too Small, you pointed this out by taking away the toenails. They were never that good looking any way. I want to apologize and thank you for all the work you do. From just walking at work to short fast runs, and slow long runs. You have never gave me any pain. Even when my shoes have been old and wore out. You keep me going, one step in front of another.

Dear Legs,

Dry cracked and wind burnt, I promise I will use more lotion. I promise I will warm up a little before I start running. I promise I will stretch after running. I will do more Yoga in between runs. I will use the stick more and role out the calf's both of them not just the right one that hurts after long runs. I will do more plyometrics, we will hop, hop and hop to build more muscle to go farther and faster. I believe in you. I will respect you more. I have improved my form and will continue to treat you with more respect. For without your strength we would just sit on the couch and watch TV.

Dear digestive track,

I know NO MORE COFFEE! Its hard to say NO the brain and the tongue like it. I know you crave the ice cream and I promise I will not go cold turkey. Please continue to process the carbs and protein the muscles crave for fuel and I will feed your desire for empty calories. ( Ice cream only! )I also promise to limit processed foods and feed you more natural whole foods. The farmers market will re-open soon.

To my core muscle group,

Abs, and Chest. I will continue to work you daily. I know I neglected you last summer and you let me slip by and complete the marathon. I will no longer embarrass you in front of others. Daily crunches and push ups it is.

Arms You will have to get yours from the push ups. I will continue to protect you from sun and wind. Just keep swinging and give the body momentum that the legs need to follow. I promise I will never turn into a Tri Athlete No swimming in the near future.

Dear Ears,

I will turn down the volume, I know one of you has already said no more. The hearing aid does help. And keeps the balance. For the right one please stick around a while longer. I like it when your working I can understand speech a bit better. I makes life around the house better when I understand what my wife is saying.

Over all body you have come together quite nice. No longer the plump 240 but a muscular fit 180. I will continue to push you to your limits. The brain continues to think up punishment beyond what you can endure. You have met every challenge full force holding nothing back. You do turn 40 this year and I have no intention on looking for a newer model. 1970 was a good year. 2010 will be a better year. Remember the goal of the 40 mile ultra before 40. The brain has also thought of the 50 marathons before 50. Somewhere in the back I thought there was a conversation of getting in 2010 miles before 2011. Good luck

Monday, February 22, 2010

Citius, Altius, Fortius

Faster, Higher, Stronger the Olympic Motto

Can we realy achieve this without performance enhancing drugs. I truely believe we have achieved the boundries of human endurance. Some Scientist think so, and they say the only way for athletes to achieve new performance records is through technology or cheating.

Great artical by Sheri Roan from the Los Angeles Times.http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=1183510&lang=eng_news&cate_img=logo_world&cate_rss=WORLD_eng

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Civic Duty

Time to go out and do your civic duty. Somewhere someone is missing

Monday, February 8, 2010


Thanks Brooks and Run For Your Life. For the chance to win some free gear. I was lucky #5 in the fastest lace contest. Held second place until the weekend. Cant wait to try out the new Brooks gear.

MCAlpine Creek

Today I had a chance to scope out a new run. MC Alpine creek. The soccer mom van needed repairs. I dropped it off at the dealer and told them to call me when they found the problem. I took off running, expecting a call with in the hour.
After getting off the main road I found the mid point street entrance to the green way. Never running this one before I made my decision to head north. From the point I entered to the end was about 2.5 miles of wide gravel and asphalt. A couple of nice bridges. It was quiet and wide open. I could see the rains last week over flooded the creek, but it had dried out well over the weekend.
I maxed out that end so I turned around to see what the other end had. Still no phone call. In the middle i found the start lines for a 5k cross country course. (not today) 4 miles later and I get to the other end. Still no phone call. I decided to find my way back to the dealer. 2 hours and 12.3 later they still had not made the decision to call me with what was wrong.
I get things settled with the dealership. They give me a ride home. They keep the van overnight. Now I'm sitting here with sore legs wanting my gear bag.
I cant complain too much I found a new running spot. Maybe I'll run to get the van tomorrow.

Gotta run.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Rain, Rain go away...

100% chance of rain. I don't mind running in a light warm rain. 39 deg and constant downpour NO THANKS. It's mornings like this I wish I still had that membership to the Y. Yet for the few spring days like this I can survive.

I can take the time to overload on a high carb breakfast and prepare for a rainy Saturday run. Two great opportunities tomorrow to run for Haiti. I wish I had enough time to knock out the dollars for miles run. I'll stick with the 5k donating new and used shoes to Haiti.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Can you hear me now?

Many of my close friends already know I suffer from hearing loss. I have lost 90% of hearing in my left ear. I have a hearing aid that balances out the hearing

I now face loosing the right ear. I struggle to protect it through diet and exercise. I do know that if it was lost a hearing aid can assist with hearing.

As I venture out and expand my circle of friends I felt time to share. So when I seem to not listen or not pick up on the entire conversation. It not that I don't care its probably cause I didn't hear. Here is some research on the disease that effects the ear.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a periodic illness (the attacks come in phases followed by a symptom-free period) that affects the inner ear.
The inner ear is composed of the organs of balance and hearing. Meniere's disease is a long term, progressive disease which damages both the balance (semicircular canals) and hearing (the cochlea) parts of the inner ear. These are some of the main symptoms of Meniere's disease:
Hearing loss
Initially it usually affects one ear, but 15% of people have both ears affected at the start of symptoms and as the disease progresses ± 50% will develop the disease in both ears.
Stress, overworked, emotional or physical, additional illnesses, pressure changes, certain foods and too much salt in the diet also seems to play a big role in speeding up the attacks.
The causes of Meniere's disease

The cause is unknown, but many factors are involved in the development of this disease. These are the factors that may be involved in causing Meniere's disease:
Increased pressure of the fluid in the inner ear (endolymphatic sac)
Allergies that damage the inner ear
Viral infections
Vascular factors
Autoimmune reaction
Unknown factors
Symptoms of Meniere's disease

A sensation of "fullness" or pressure in the ear
Loss of hearing
Pressure in the ear
Severe imbalance
Double vision
Lack of coordination
Disequilibrium ("brain fog")
The symptoms of Meniere's disease come in cycles; the patient suffers several episodes that last for several months at a time, then it generally subsides. Symptoms in some individuals seem to be more severe in spring, fall or when they are under extra stress.
VertigoThe most frightening and unpredictable symptom of Meniere's disease is vertigo. It is thought to result from the accumulation of excessive fluid in the inner ear, this stretches the membranes that divide the compartments of the inner ear. As the membranes stretches, hearing often diminishes and tinnitus worsens. If the membrane is severely stretched, the fluids in the inner ear may rupture these compartments. This will results in the mixing of fluids (one rich in sodium, the other rich in potassium) which is thought to bring on the vertigo. These membranes will eventually heal, but some hearing is usually lost.
Loss of hearingThe loss of hearing usually affects one ear, which typically looses sensitivity to low-frequency sounds the most. Loud sounds may cause more discomfort than normal. Hearing loss alters over time; hearing may be normal one day, but then the next days hearing may be difficult. The degree of hearing loss may get progressively worse over time, eventually leading to loss of hearing completely in the affected ear.
TinnitusTinnitus is constant loud "ringing" in the ears. The tinnitus experienced by Meniere's patients is continual and does not decrease with time, its intensity may vary. It may be heard more as a load roaring, squeal, whine, hissing, humming, buzzing sensation, rather than a whistling.
Fullness or pressure in the ear The feeling of "fullness" in the ear can be described as a barometric pressure changes (such ascending in an airplane or a car), this fullness cannot be cleared by swallowing, as in the case of pressure changes.
Dietary tips for Meniere's disease

Reduce the amount of salt intake (excess salt cause's pressure on the nerve endings of balance and hearing)
Stop smoking (it constricts and reduces blood flow to the tiny blood vessels which nourish the inner ear nerve endings)
Avoid caffeine in coffee, tea and colas, as well as chocolate (caffeine excessively stimulates nerve endings)
Exercise regularly

Causes of Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear. The cause of Meniere's disease is idiopathic-meaning that the cause is not known. However, the symptoms of Meniere's disease are associated with the disorder or infection of the fluids in the labyrinth (a bisected portion of the inner ear that contains certain fluids). Most audiologists (ear specialists) believe that the abnormality of fluids in the inner ear is responsible for most symptoms of Meniere's disease.
Abnormality of fluids in the inner ear

The labyrinth consists of two semi-circular canals; the bony and membranous canals. The bony portion of the labyrinth contains certain fluids called endolymph and it is responsible for balance and hearing. Whenever you move your head, the fluids inside the bony labyrinth (endolymph) also move and transmit a message to the brain via the nerves so that the brain interprets the orientation of your body.
There's a little space between the bony and membranous labyrinth that contain some fluids called perilymph. If the perilymph and endolymph mix due to excess endolymph (endolymphatic hydrops) or other causes, wrong messages are transmitted to the brain. The brain misinterprets these messages and transmits a wrong message about your body orientation.
The cause of increased endolymph is not known, but several conditions are believed to be role players in causing endolymphatic hydrops.
According to Moore, K.L (1985:975), an abnormal increase in the amount of endolymph is called hydrops of the internal ear or Meniere's disease. These excess fluids produce recurrent vertigo (dizziness) that is accompanied in later stages by tinnitus or noises in the ear and deafness.
Here are factors that may cause the abnormality of fluids in the inner ear, producing Meniere's disease:

Environmental causes
Viral and Bacterial causes
Biological factors such as:
Middle ear infections (otitis media)
Head, neck or ear injuries (or surgery)
Autoimmune reaction (allergies)
Alcohol or smoking
Symptoms of Meniere's disease may also have a lot to do with the

Joining a running group has been a big step for me. I know when I run alone I can focus on the road. But what fun is running alone.

Gotta Run.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Resolution 1 check

Went for a run today with University City Road Runners. This group is awesome. They trot at a good pace, They all start together but split in different directions based on training goals. Then they meet back for coffee and social time.

They made a newbie feel welcome. I decided to stick it out and go for the long run. I quickly fell behind the pace. That hill was huge. They waited out the next intersection for me. One even stayed back with me to keep me on pace. It was good to hear his running experience.

I think I'm signing up.

New years resolution 1, check.

Monday, January 11, 2010

In the beginning. Everyone needs a starting point. A moment in their life to say " Hey you fat bastard, you cant live like this." Here was my final moment. How does a grown Man bottom out a trampoline. This pic and having a 5 yr old say to my daughter your dads FAT. 240lbs

My wife has tried for years to give me enough of a hard time to thin down. Finally at the start of 2007 they opened a YMCA in our town. I started off gung ho. I slipped the lbs off by mid summer. doing cardio and weights. Went to spin classes and yoga. I was able to slim down and keep physically active.

In the spring of 2008 my wife decides to start running 5k's with her friend. I would go run with her choking out a mile or two. Went with her to keep he company and support her new habit. I still hated running.
Spring of 2009 I decided to try and train for a 5k. The big goal here was to run fast enough and beat my wife's time by at least 5 min. This was all it took. I ran the race in 28 min. I felt great exactly where I wanted to be. i got the bug. 3 miles was no longer enough. I read some running books, Runners world mag. I started running greater distance. I made up my mind if i could run 6-8 miles I should try for a half marathon. By the beginning of May I posted 2 goals on Face book. 1 was to run a half marathon by October and then do a full before next October when I turn 40.
I then read a article on Half vs. Full marathons. " Who trains for half of anything." Next I ran a 13.5 mile run with out killing myself. Goals just changed. Thunder road marathon was being held in my town in December. This was the new goal.
I started picking up more and more miles. I could only concentrate on running. When, where, how far. By July I hit 40 miles a week. I had my weight down to 174 lighter than i had been in years. I then was introduced to TED.com and found the most amazing stories of inspiration. Running to the South Pole, and trekking solo to the North Pole. I read the book Planet walker, where John Francis walked for 20+ years. I read Kano's book 50/50. All this positive you can do it. Hit me all at once. It was information overload but my mind was soaking it up. I had all these incredible stories rolling in my head keeping me going. Mile after mile.
I shunned the running Gods and put down Jeff Galloway's run walk method. I stopped walking at mile 3 like I had all along. I started doing tempo runs.
OUCH!!! What the hell was that pain in my left calf. I over did it. How long was this going to sideline me. I slowed down re thought the over training. 3 weeks and I was back full strength.

Careful not to hurt myself again I cut back to 3 runs a week making sure each gave me a quality work out.

By October i was running 20 miles then working a 14 hour day at work. I had this in the bag.

December 11, 2009 I had taken 3 days before the race off. I was so rested and wired I could not sleep the night before the race. My thought on the way to the race was. Wait I paid $85.00 to get up at 5 am go out in freezing temps and I'm going to run up and down hills for the next 4.5 hours. What the hell is wrong in your head?

26 deg at the start. Wow that's cold. I found out the cool air helped. So did the Pace teams.Hat off to these hero's that gave me motivation to keep going. ( Except the one who told me at mile 23.5" its all down hill from here.") One runner told me at mile 23 This will be the longest 5k of your life. My goal was 4:15 I finished @ 4:25 how AWESOME was that.

If I can run a full marathon 26.2 miles in one year. Anybody can do it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cleaning House

A freind shared this with me and I felt the will to pass it on. Enjoy.

Last Week I threw out worrying, it was getting old and in the way.
It kept me from being me; I couldn't do things God's way.
I threw out a book on MY PAST
(Didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with NEW GOALS, started reading it today.
I threw out hate and bad memories,
(Remember how I treasured them so)?
Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too, threw out the one from long ago.
Brought in some new books too, called I CAN, I WILL, and I MUST.
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, you should've seen the dust.
I ran across an OLD FRIEND, I hadn't talked to in a while.
His name is GOD the Father, and I really like His style.
He helped me to do some cleaning and added some things Himself.
Yes... I placed them right on the shelf..
I picked up this special thing and placed it at the front door.
I FOUND IT- it's called PEACE.. Nothing gets me down anymore.
Yes, I've got my house looking nice.
Looks good around the place.
For things like Worry and Trouble there just isn't any space.
It's good to do a little house cleaning,
Get rid of the things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter; maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.
May the Lord open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that
You will not have room enough to receive it all.

May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever
Hope for.

Keep the Faith!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3:16 Athletic Wear ...Your Race Number for Life.

3:16 Athletic Wear ...Your Race Number for Life. Build a shirt with a message for life.
Choose him, Love him, Become like him.

Life throws you a curve.

This curve is one of my favorite runs. Its only a half mile from the start. Every time I run it I see the sign and it reminds me that a curve is an opportunity to change direction.

We never know when life will throw us a curve. We can't map out our direction in a line.

When you see the curve coming slow down just enough to reflect on life for a moment. As you hit the apex of the curve speed up and face what lies beyond with full speed ahead.

My curve I'm going through is the toughest one I have ever had. The hearing loss I'm going through has presented me with a challenge.

I find it hard to explain to people how my hearing is. I have had to fake allot of conversations lately or run ahead of the crowd. Its something you cant explain to people. Just hope they notice the hearing aid and get the message. I have never tried to be the whoa is me type. (unless it with my wife)

One more try this week with a dose of prednizone if that is no help its off to get a new aids in both ears. Unfortunately that will cost almost as much as a used car.

I'm kind of in the apex of that turn, once I start hearing again I'm sure I will take off running.

Gotta run.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Foolish thing.

Please read before signing: I have been warned that the Strolling Jim is a grueling, grim, and hazardous
event. I am fully aware that I could be injured attempting such a run. It is a foolish thing that I am
doing, but I am going to do it anyway. Knowing all these things, I accept full responsibility for my
attempt to run the Strolling Jim 40. And for all results of that attempt, absolving any and all sponsors,
organizers, and supporters of the Strolling Jim from any and all liability related to my attempt to run
the Strolling Jim 40.
Signed: ____________________________________________________________ Date

This is the best waiver I have ever seen. " Its a foolish thing I am doing, but I am going to do it anyway."

I wish this race was later in the year. It would fit well into my 40-B4-40 plan.

Check it out www.tynesweb.com/sj40/

Friday, January 1, 2010

10 questions for 2010

These questions were presented to me in 2009. I wrote them in a Journal and have yet to answer them all.

1. Whose life do you wish you had?

2. Whats your biggest regret?

3. What did you dream of as a kid?

4. What makes you go WOW!?

5. What do you want on your gravestone?

6. What do you think people will say about you?

7. Do you feel your age?

8. What are the top 5 Experiences in your life?

9. What holds you back from going for it and achieving your dreams?

10. What is the toughest question?

"We had done this thing we had set out to do, and instead of becominglarger because of the experience, we became smaller, more humble moreaware of how little we know: about the world in general, about ourselves specifically."
- Richard Benyo in "The Death Valley 300."